A New Mindset With A Side Dish of Existing Reality
Each day is new, but always includes our existing reality from yesterday.
Every minute is a chance to live, but it is also another opportunity to improve our mindset.
As many do, I find myself buried under the weight of life. Of the possibilities that get swept under the rug once my head hits the pillow. Of the thoughts that always invade when I close my eyes.
My mind’s switch is broken. Never obeying my instructions when I scream “Lights out”. Kind of like my children, but we won’t go there.

My desk is full of notes, blatantly nagging me to be productive. To use them. To create something from that one word. That sentence that scars the paper’s surface is yearning for a home.
These ideas often sit and gather dust. Mocking my mindless sleep deprived brain.
All are products of my disobedient brain. It’s choosing when to think. When to produce. And I’m rarely ready, when it happens.
I am working hard on setting up a writing routine and also space to call my own. Not the kitchen table….where my laptop is decorated with that day’s art project or the latest permission slip. And definitely NOT my bedroom, where my husband likes to “check” in on me.
An area that is M-I-N-E. (Again, I am an only child, so some habits cannot be broken.)
To encourage myself to be more productive, I have set goals for myself. To some this is not a strange thing to do. It’s actually quite normal for me to set them……. To complete them is another story.
Past attempts at goal setting have been short lived. Maybe this is a form of ADHD? A result of being a busy mom? A form of laziness?
Or just not being mentally prepared to achieve the end result?
Instant gratification tendencies….be damned…..here’s it goes. To make myself accountable, I thought I would share a few with you. I seem to do well under pressure.
Short & Long Term Goals
1.) Finish the first draft of my novel.
2.) Complete my “Cloffice” upstairs.
3.) Volunteer more at my children’s school. (Now, I am still me – so I have taken baby steps with this…..a few hours a week is enough.)
4.) Work out a schedule for blogging & social media marketing for my blog and author site.
5.) Don’t second guess myself….. See last week’s post, to get a glimpse of my inner struggle with this.
**Disclaimer to my Husband:
Due to these stressful tasks on my new mindset I am undertaking…. I am not to be held liable for my crankiness. Please excuse any abrupt outbursts. I respond well to quiet hugs (with no groping) and cookies.