New Habits vs. the Old
Today finds me sitting in a coffee shop, listening to the buzz. Students rushing in before class, some customers squinting at their laptop screens, while others hover together sharing tales of their life. Plugging in my ear buds, I soften the noises around me. Ed Sheeran sings and my fingers fly. I am not sure how I came to this relationship with the coffee shop and Ed Sheeran.
With a few key strokes, my story takes shape from where I left it and I regret not writing yesterday.
I am sidetracked. Do those surrounding me give each patron a fictitious background based on their expressions? Type of coffee they're drinking? Some people, I recognize. They are the regulars. Their orders are prepared before they get to the front of the line. We've never officially met, these other regular and I, but there is always a friendly nod or smile shared. We are casual acquaintances passing on our way through life. Inside these four walls, our common habit making us comrades, where we cherish the familiarity and caffiene. The comfort equivalent to a favorite childhood blanket. No matter how rotted or aged, we crave the feel.
Give and take. Take and give.
Summer vacation is almost here for my household. One and a half more days, until my existing habits will need a bit of adjusting. Shifting the entire household from one realm of reality to another, takes patience and a positive outlook.
Goals can not be forgotten. Even between the "I'm bored. " and "Mom, what's for lunch?". The constant pleas that echo the hallway can distract from word counts, plotting and editing.
Each day, it is my job to keep the family functioning, along with my writing projects. Maintaining the pulse of my goals while keeping a bit of control on rouge, needy children. Praying nightly that neither suffer from neglect. Accepting that I may give more than I take.
It is possible to succeed when merging the old with the new. Possible to have a writing career and the success that I hope for, along with a functional, happy family.
Nothing is ever perfect, but it is possible.