The Pen & Paper Side

When one of my writing teachers asked us to describe a color, I chose the color that always intrigued me. It’s a basic exercise, but I wanted to share this with you. I selected a color that expresses and represents countless objects, emotions & fantasies.
Red Is Within Me
I am a cardinal, brilliantly coated in red, entering your line of sight. I breeze by and perch in a nearby Oak Tree. Enveloped by leaves proudly boasting versions of rust, garnet, and crimson. Each leaf a composition of splendor. Engrossed in this tidal wave of splendor, you are distracted from the flamboyant energy around you. I fly away, jealous that I have lost your attention.
I’m the first thing you notice as you grab the crisp, Pink Lady Apple from your pack. I am the suggestion of sweetness you enjoy as the juices excite your taste buds and moisten your sunburned lips. Embers flash, as I hover in the breeze. Everyone gathers around my flames, all eyes are captivated, waiting with anticipation to view Mother Nature’s canvas.
You unconsciously touch me, a stain caused by a night of too much merlot and dancing. I have been forever present, set from years of drying. I am a lover’s kiss, placed on your swollen lips. I am the painful, vibrant memories of ignited passion. A tidal wave that rises from your core, causing a fire where there is no escape.
I flush your cheeks. Your ruddy hands attempt to cool the heated skin, but I am also the embarrassment that makes it impossible to end. Anger, my other half, is close behind. I am flashes of unwanted words that escape with regret. I am the scarlet on your nails as they dig deep, holding onto hope.
I am the crimson memories. Seeping in visions of the darkness pooled around the wound. I am a color so intense, you are afraid I’m real.
What color is within you?