Creating My Home Office
Creating a home office was a dream. To have a space void of crumbs from last night’s dinner did not seem a lot to ask. Maybe a door to shut out the rumble of video games. Somewhere to bask in the emotion of writing frustration. Maybe a secluded corner where I could bask in the occasional brilliance that comes after hours of banging my head against a wall.
After hours of research (Pinterest & Google), I came up with a plan.
Our guest room is used quite a bit, so we did not want to do away with it altogether. Through my online scavenging, I noted that hundreds of people use spare nooks and closets for their office space. After measuring the spare room’s closet space, I decided it would be large enough to fit a nice desk PLUS organization space.
The “Cloffice” Comes to Life
Step One: Clearing out the Closet.

Step Two: Draw up a plan.
I know my husband’s work schedule and for a job this size, I would have a Cloffice somewhere between 2050 and Never. So, I contacted the cabinet company that did our cabinets when we built our home to give us a quote.
Step Three: DEMO TIME!

Step Four: Installation of shelving and cabinets.
Step Five: DECORATE! (My favorite part.)

It’s all in the Details

Now, if you will excuse me….I have some writing to do!