Cloffice,  Home Office,  My Blog

Creating My Home Office

Creating a home office was a dream. To have a space void of crumbs from last night’s dinner did not seem a lot to ask. Maybe a door to shut out the rumble of video games. Somewhere to bask in the emotion of writing frustration. Maybe a secluded corner where I could bask in the occasional brilliance that comes after hours of banging my head against a wall.

After hours of research (Pinterest & Google), I came up with a plan.

Our guest room is used quite a bit, so we did not want to do away with it altogether. Through my online scavenging, I noted that hundreds of people use spare nooks and closets for their office space. After measuring the spare room’s closet space, I decided it would be large enough to fit a nice desk PLUS organization space.

 The “Cloffice” Comes to Life

Step One: Clearing out the Closet.

Step One
I have no words to express the amount of junk we had shoved this closet.


Step Two: Draw up a plan.

Cloffice Plan

I know my husband’s work schedule and for a job this size, I would have a Cloffice somewhere between 2050 and Never. So, I contacted the cabinet company that did our cabinets when we built our home to give us a quote.

Step Three: DEMO TIME!

Closet Demo
While the cabinets were being built (off-site), we (meaning Hubby) handled the demolition ourselves (himself).


Step Four: Installation of shelving and cabinets.

Cloffice Half Way Complete

Step Five: DECORATE! (My favorite part.)

Cloffice Complete
After patiently (ha!) waiting for paint to dry, I began to decorate. Organizing my work area took a few days and of course, a trip to Home Goods (Greatest store E-V-E-R, by the way).

It’s all in the Details

Cloffice Details
1.) Adjustable shelves, 2.) Cabinets with lots of storage space, 3.) A cut out for cords and a grommet to keep things looking tidy and 4.) Two large drawers.

Guest Room with watermark
Our Guest Room is ready and waiting, once the Cloffice doors are closed.

Now, if you will excuse me….I have some writing to do!