My Writing Through A Prism
This blog has served many purposes for me over the past 10 months. My strength and confidence in sharing my writing has improved. Although, I still have stage fright when it comes to sharing my novel.
I’m getting there though. Slowly but surely.
The other purpose I had with this is to show my journey as a writer. Meaning that I would write about roadblocks, joys and experiences on how I meander along this path at becoming a published writer.
Today’s post, albeit a short one, is about me finding one of the keys I needed to continue my novel.
Maybe it can help you in whatever you are pursuing? Whether that be in writing, getting through the day with your sanity, or living with a situation where you feel there is no more hope.

I attended one of Michael Knoll’s classes though the Writer’s League this weekend. Selfishly, I saw it as 6 hours of uninterrupted detox caused by kid overload. (Don’t lie….you would too.)
With my child-free self, I stepped into the class ready to learn. What I was not prepared for was the adrenaline rush I received.
Sitting in the room, filled with other writer’s, Mr. Knoll asked us to describe “something” while looking through our character’s prism.
Huh? (Yes, as intelligent as this sounds….huh was my first thought.)
This was new to me…….Live as if I were them. Not as the writer. Use their words. Use their eyes and feelings to portray a scene or situation.
Something so simple. Something so real, was never on my radar.
Ok, I’m in!
I snatched up that proverbial prism, like a child on Christmas morning. Eager to unwrap something bright, shiny and new.
Gazing through my personal Kaleidoscope, I found a crap load of color I had been missing. Through this new spectrum, my character revealed an energy and emotional depth that I had been missing.
Seeing this intimate side of my main character opened up the suspense and imagery I was looking for.
This class has made a mark on me and definitely my writing career.

Learning to use my prism to shed light on opportunities I failed to see before is exciting. Even if you are not a writer…..give it a try. It may surprise you.
Check out Read to Write Stories for prompts and exercises that may help you!