Peeling Back the Layers: One Year at a Time
A year ago, I decided to embark on a crazy journey. To free my voice and words from their hiding place. To shout from the rooftops and do what I longed to do since I was a young girl.
I wanted to be a writer. Easy, peezy right? (Cue Hubby’s eye rolling.)
When you are married to a realist, you are forced to recognize some “in your face” realities. Ones that I did not include in my plan. After my reality check and his realization that I wasn’t budging, we compromised. In the end, this is what matters. He supports me and even has my blog saved on his phone. Smart man.
My gut continued to guide me. The uneven terrain was rough, and I stumbled ALOT until I discovered some short-lived clarity. I was not alone. Unfortunately, this only led to more questions. I felt beaten down and fearful of returning to a life of someone else’s normal.
Surprisingly, I could never see myself returning to my old life. It no longer held the appeal it once had. Although I had no idea of what lie ahead, I became even more motivated. Peeling off doubt and self-pity, I reached outside my box to attend MomCom 2014.
After the conference, I decided to seriously pursue blogging. This would be the fastest way to get the ball rolling and FORCE myself to face my fear head on. Once I created my first blog post, Going Up, there was no stopping me.
Unknowingly, my posts and website became a road map. A self-created navigation tool that reminded me: I was not giving up.
Over the course of the year, I joined blogging groups and two writer’s associations. Guest posting for other bloggers was another way I gained knowledge and support. Shedding my nervousness, I saw the importance of putting myself out there for the world to see.
My voice started to gain some momentum. I began to feel the courage bubble up. My writer’s voice is still a bit immature. Scratchy and raw. At times, it can make me cringe, but I take pride that it belongs to me. And only me.
The members of the Writer’s League (WLT) and of Romance Writers of America (RWA) helped strengthen my inner voice, by offering encouragement and opportunity. Between classes, gatherings and tons of on-line presence, they opened doors that I never knew existed. WLT even interviewed me! (GASP!) Check it out!
Pride fills me when I see all the layers I have uncovered. A newfound love for something I believed was lost, a multitude of support, and a better feeling for who I am, as a writer.
A strong, completed (HAHA! for now) outline of my first book sits before me. Several scenes have been written and now the fun begins. I can feel the story taking shape, as I piece together the puzzle. My characters are alive and eager to breathe across the pages I have yet to complete.
Next year holds many changes for me and I can’t wait to share them with you!
Your continued support, comments, and love mean the world to me.
Thank you – a million times over.