Family,  Motherhood,  My Blog,  Writing

Making Miles of Memories

I survived. The travels with the family are complete. No one got left behind.  And despite the normal wear and tear caused by family togetherness, everyone is in one piece.

Taking a break from writing for the week, I buckled myself in for the adventure. (To be honest, I did jot down notes and thoughts. I could not quit cold turkey!) Our travels took us across several states. We covered miles through Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and finally back to Texas.


As I mentioned in last week’s post, I was going to take this trip, keeping my mind, heart and eyes wide open.   It is easy to snap, gripe and avoid. All default emotions when I am living on auto-pilot.  And TRUST ME, avoiding auto-pilot on a 2,520 mile trip was difficult.

On day one, we started out with a clean, organized car. Suitcases stacked and bags piled nicely. Accessible if needed. By the 7th day, we resembled a cross between the Beverly Hillbilly’s and National Lampoon’s.

From my co-pilot seat, the massive pile of belongings (that seemed to grow with each mile) was behind me. No need to worry. No need to stress. Looking forward, I found my serenity in the bug splattered windshield. I wasn't neglectful. Don't fret. All children were accounted for  (hubby counted), along with their souvenirs and new t-shirts proudly displaying names of cities we visited.

As co-pilot, I had other duties. Like stocking the car with tissues, anti-bacterial wipes and ensuring everyone has chargers for their gadgets.

Our laughter and smiles, were prominent as we crossed state lines.  I loved the look of curiosity as the kids viewed scenery and sites that they have never seen. We made memories. Some that were captured with the camera, but most will be held inside each one of us.


Flashes passed through the car windows.  Our own private viewing of life’s motion picture. Impressions ingrained into our mind, as we toured museums and walked among other tourists. People from all cultures. All different, yet the same.  The want coursed through our veins to catch something spectacular. A precious, forever moment to wrap inside our minds and take back home.

Life is back to normal this week. With school, dentist appointments and basketball practices there is not recoup time.

Reality waits for no one - but apparently laundry does.

In the next few weeks, I will be sharing more of our trip while trying to get back in the writing saddle. My book sat and simmered while I was gone. And now I have a clearer perspective of how to proceed.

It seems that life missed us, while we were away.

And maybe, I missed it a little too.